You’ve got to check out this cool DIY project for a Snark SN-2 Tuner modded into a modular tuner. It allows you to turn a simple guitar tuner into a modular synth tuner that uses a 3.5mm jack to interact with your modular signal for a simple tuning read out. That’s it! No additional HP or rack space needed. It’s pretty simple too.
So, back tracking a bit… I’ve been diving deeper into synthesis lately. Or maybe I should say over the last few years. I’m now mixing modular synthesis into my boom bap workflow. This idea in itself presents some interesting challenges. One such challenge is probably not all too different from what one would experience with other synths like the Korg Arp Oddysey. Keeping that thing in tune can be a task unless your ear is that good. I can typically do pretty well by ear but sometimes its like… Why waste time and effort when that time and effort can be spent composing and creating dope beats and melodies? So, we solve for X.
Hence, I came across this dope little tutorial for a cheap little Snark SN-2 Tuner modded into modular synth tuner. It’s a simple mod that’s cheap and easy to do.These Snark SN-2 Tuner range in price from $8 to $20 or so.
If you are resourceful you can find some flex tubing and get fancy with it. I’ll call this method the “flexi-plug” method. It looks like this…
Photo credit: PulpLogic from
Otherwise, it’s simple enough to just use the existing clip and a truncated patch cable on which to attach the clip. I’ll call this method the “patch-n-clip” method. The guy who created this method acknowledges that it may work best with 1/4″ patch cables than it might with 3.5mm patch cables. It looks like this.
Photo credit: SDuck from
There are more details and conversation about this mod / DIY project on I had to share it with you. I hope you find it useful.
Peep the video for a closer look at how you can easily dive into this mod. I’ve just order my Snark SN-2 Tuner. Happy modding!