Controlling the Make Noise Synthesizer With an MPC
So, MoogFest 2014 was indeed productive. Even months later I am still building great relationships with cool companies and synth nerds from all over the place. I was delighted to be able to speak with the good folks over at Make Noise, Tony to be exact. Inevitably, as with any conversation with BBoyTechReport, the conversation turned towards MPCs and Synths, particularly modular synth rigs in this case.
As you may know… I am, as of this year, on a quest to inject modular synthesis into hip hop so when I find that I am in the room with the modular experts I dig in. As such, I asked the guys at Make Noise if we could explore merging the world’s of MPCs and Modulars and share it via video. Well, it turns out that one of the Make Noise guys owns an MPC 4000. Not to mention, they thought that would be a great bit of info to share as well.
So, here we are. Make Noise dropped a dope video that I am itching to share with you. It’s called “Controlling the Make Noise Synthesizer With an MPC.” So let’s check it out and see how we can make this marriage happen between the MPC and a Modular Synth.
Shout out to Lee from Make Noise for this dope video full of good info. Nice MPC 4000, btw, Lee.
Here is a link to the wav file to be loaded into your MPC