Moog Sub37 steals the show even as a Prototype
Amos from Moog Music took a a bit of time out to chat with BBoyTechReport at Winter NAMM 2014 about the Moog SUB 37. He touches on key features and even digs into some drum programming with the Sub 37’s intense sculpting capabilities EXCLUSIVELY for
The Moog Sub 37 is indeed paraphonic and Amos touches on exactly what that means and how it works in our overview demo video from NAMM. As a beatmaker, I cannot say enough of how great of a compliment the Sub37 would be to a dope drum machine or any DAW. It comes with a “a free standalone/plugin editor that is compatible with all major plugin formats – creating seamless integration between analog synth and DAW for total control, recall, and automation of every parameter.”
The Sub 37’s “mixer section contains dedicated controls and mutes for each sound source, as well as a level control for External audio input and Feedback“. I don’t know how many bedroom producers and beatmakers out there have ever had a chance to get familiar with the Minimoog Voyager but I have to say the mixer section on the Sub37 is similar in the sense of how much control you have over the voices. So in my opinion, BBoys and BGirls – Beatmakers and Heatmakers, the Sub37 is something like a Sub Phatty with Voyager tendencies (tongue and cheek obviously, but the mixer section gives you the same sort of control – thats the point).
Major features include
“Duo Mode, which allows oscillator 1 and oscillator 2 to be played independently, programmable arpeggiator/step sequencer, two modulation busses with assignable source and destination options, access to 256 presets, and a 37 note velocity sensitive keyboard with after-touch.”
I am looking forward to getting my hands on this beast for review later this spring/summer. It begins shipping in May at a retail price of $1579.
Check the video out…
More information head over to Moog Music’s Sub 37 product page.