The Minimoog Model D comes back to life at MoogFest 2016.
If you are still questioning whether we are in a new analog golden age, question no more. Moog Music Reissues The Minimoog Model D and adds a few new cool features.
New features include an added LFO. In previous versions of the Model D 40+ years ago, there was no LFO. The 3rd oscillator was used as a modulation source but obviously you’d have to sacrifice your 3rd oscillator to do so. In the same space, Moog included a knob that allows you to sweep between either the 3rd oscillator as LFO and / or the actual LFO. That’s right you can sweep between the two creating a blend of both or full on take over of either one. The LFO goes up into the audio range and fir the first time the Model D can modulate all 3 oscillators with the LFO.
The new Model D shares the same keybed with the Minimoog Voyager. That said, it has after pressure. After pressure is not routed or hard-wired to anything. There is CV out for After Pressure which can be routed to any of the CV on the back of the Model D. Oh and yeah, there are a gang of CV out included on the new model.
Perhaps one of the most important utilities of modern music has also been added… MIDI in and out. Sorry Kiddies, no midi over USB because there is no USB.
The Model D is in effect a new Model E and that’s what I’ll be calling it from now on. There seems to be just enough changes that it could have been the Minimoog Model E. But none the less, it is an authentic reissue of the Model D. I have to say that if you were ever in the market for a vintage one and maybe you’ve had worries about repairs, maintenance and god forbid those dreadful vintage synth after market prices… well, this is a great bit of news to think that you can get a new authentically build by Moog Music Minimoog in 2016.
Not to mentioned it sounds great! Let’s take a look at this excellent video demo from
As per Moog Music;
After more than 30 years, the Minimoog Model D returns with a pilot-production run at Moogfest 2016 in Durham, NC. Handcrafted in the Moog Pop-Up Factory, the pilot-production units built during the festival will only be available for purchase on-site in the Moog Store by Guitar Center.
The Moog Pop-Up factory is open Thursday through Sunday from 10am-6pm at 312 Blackwell St. Power Plant Gallery – Durham, NC 27701.