KOMA Elektronik introduces their new product, KOMA RH-301 RHYTHM WORKSTATION / UTILITY TOOL, just in time for winter NAMM 2013. The new pedal continues KOMA’s unique take on pedals by including a master clock with tap tempo, an LFO, an envelope generator with MIDI and 14-point CV patch bay.

The point of this pedal is to bring together all of your various equipment both analog and digital. The KOMA RH-301 RHYTHM WORKSTATION is essentially a master synch box that wrangles all of your gear and synchs them to the same tempo without drifting. I’m excited to see this pedal in action at NAMM 2013.

Here is what Koma has to say on their YouTube channel about the RH-301.

Master Clock
The beating heart of the pedal is the master clock, of which the tempo can be set by turning the tempo knob, by tapping a tempo on the tap button, by syncing it to MIDI or to an external CV clock signal. Besides the normal clock output the user can also divide the signal with the Divisions knob and send a faster or slower clock signal via the two Division Outputs. The generated clock signals can be passed on via CV with the two Clock Outputs, two Division Outputs or via the MIDI Output. An incoming MIDI signal can also be passed through via the MIDI Through and Out jacks.

The second feature of the RH-301 is the LFO, which can be synced to the master clock or run freely from 0,25 Hz to 260 Hz in five different shapes: sine, triangle, square, S&H and noise. This means the pedal can also be used as an oscillator, when the user turns the LFO up into the audible ranges. When the LFO is in Sync-Mode the user can choose the same divisions as the divisions of the master clock. The LFO has two separate outputs on the patch bay: LFO Out and LFO Inverted Out. All the features of the LFO are also controllable via control voltage, the pedal boasts CV inputs for LFO Speed, LFO Reset and LFO Symmetry.

Envelope Generator
The third feature of the pedal is an Envelope Generator that can be easily synced to the master clock as, or run in loop mode. Besides the normal controls for Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release the pedal comes with a Range knob to set the range of the envelopes created. The Envelope Generator comes with a normal Envelope Output, but also an Inverted Output. The Envelope Generator can be triggered by an external Gate CV Source through the Envelope Gate Input.

Besides all these features, the RH-301 also comes with a built-in KOMA Elektronik sensor, which has a separate CV Output on the patch bay as well.. Plenty of functions to get creative with, because no matter what your setup is, digital or analog or all mixed up, if you use a Modular synthesizer, DAW, drum computer, synthesizer or KOMA’s own BD-101 and FT-201 effect pedals, the RH-301 is a effective tool to make sure they all walk in line!

The RH-301 will be on display and ready for testing at NAMM’13 at booths 1170 in Hall E (Analogue Haven) and 6735 in Hall A (Big City Music).

MRSP: To Be Announced! The RH-301 will be available in the beginning of Q2 of 2013 at KOMA Elektronik dealers worldwide and directly from KOMA Elektronik’s webstore at www.koma-elektronik.com.


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