Sugar Bytes releases Aparillo, an advanced 16-voice FM synthesizer, tailored for majestic sonic motions. A clever arrangement of synthesis, wave shaping, filtering, FX and modulation unfolds into a serious sound design tool for epic sonic creation. Make sure to check out the Orbiter, a mass-controller for immediate, instant blockbuster sounding themes.
Aparillo features Two FM Operators give birth to waveforms so complex it’s like they have a life of their own.
Different FM Complexity/ and Ratio Modes, Waveshaping, Folding, Formant Shifting, Complex LFOs and the Orbiter deliver sonic spectacles that are sure to blow you out of your seat.
Total control for an almost unlimited range of sounds.
Aparillo’s Orbiter pulls strings throughout the engine putting all the power at your fingertips, with an XY pad to control a massive, record-ready engine.
The Aparillo effect section is a sound source in its own right. The Spacializer, a delay-based pitch resonator, can generate an additional synth layer per wave-guide synthesis.
Besides the typical specialties like Comb and Vowel, the Multi-Mode filter dishes up the super-evil Dirt HP/BP/LPs, that bubble over with spectral grit.
The sole focus of the Aparillo modulation lies on the diversity of the 16 independent synth voices. As freely definable layers of sound, they will unfold a vast sonic biotope.
The Envelopes show off user definable slopes, looping modes, and polyphonic parameter modulation. The dual Complex LFO brings along some specialties like FM, Gravitation, Oneshot, S+H/Quantize, and the beautifully chaotic Collision Mode.
Key Features
- FM Synthesizer with 16 Voices
- Formant Shifting, Wave Folding & Shifting
- Multi-Mode Filter with Spacializer
- 2 interdependent LFOs with S+H and Gravitation
- Orbiter for one-touch Sound Morphing
- 500 handpicked Presets
- Wide Modulation Options from 10 sources
- Melody Generator