One Red Dog (ORD) releases Arctic Pro Synthesizer, a beefed up re-imagined analog modeling version of Arctic Keys. Back in February of 2013 we reviewed Arctic Keys to the result of pretty high marks for its sound mostly. As the review stated, “It seems to me that Arctic Keys has a really crispy yet dusty sort of sound that reminds me of old virtual analog modeling synths like Roland JP-8080.”
Arctic Keys was clearly a bit different than most apps because its a bit dirty. Well, the new Arctic Pro hits the market all tuned up and ready to race. It plays up to 4 voices,. It has what One Red Dog is calling HyperOscillators (2 per voice, alias free, saw, triangle and square with pulse width, hard sync, ring mod, noise generator, sub-oscillator). I also believe there is mentioned of a sub oscillators and the ability to layer up to 8 oscillators (perhaps inspired by the likes of NAVE?). One Red Dog further describes the synth with the ability to go beyond what we know as Roland’s “super saw” (7 de-tuned Saws), “Spread detune and Mix these separate oscillators in real-time. More than just a “SuperSaw” – it’s also a Super-square and Super-triangle.”
Word has it that the app was sent over to synth aficionado, Jordan Rudess for feedback. Well it seems that things were addressed and most of all Jordan suggested that ORD enlist his buddy John “Skippy” Lehmkuhl of to develop and design presets for Arctic Pro. Well, it seems that all worked out nicely.
I have to admit I’m excited at the possibilities. Seems they’ve taken an already good synth app and beefed it up with a vocoder, extended connectivity and synch options and one hell of an Oscillators section. Best of all it’s only $10 on iTunes and it is available now.
One Red Dog’s description / press release
Arctic Pro Synthesizer / Vocoder for iPad – Be rude. Be rough. Be bold. Be tough!
Arctic Pro Synthesizer / Vocoder is a modern subtractive synthesizer. It does not aim to accurately model or re-create vintage synths of yesteryear. Instead Arctic ProSynth offers the contemporary synthesist a rude, rough, bold and tough palette of sound to get stuck into. Including two massively fat HyperOscillators, dual filters, and easy to re-order master effects. While the Vocoder, used in conjunction with a suitable microphone, adds an extra dimension to your musical performance.
Combine two HyperOscillators and one Sub Oscillator for some seriously fat sounds. Layer up to 8 oscillators in unison to create very thick and powerful tones. Spread detune and Mix these separate oscillators in real-time. More than just a “SuperSaw” – it’s also a Super-square and Super-triangle.
Legendary sound designer John ŒSkippy¹ Lehmkuhl has exclusively designed the factory presets. John has worked as a professional sound designer since 1988 for Korg – making patches, combinations, drum kits as well as creating the sample data for almost every synth Korg has released since the M1. We have drawn upon his vast experience in the development of the audio engine.
Arctic ProSynth includes everything you need to record and share your audio and MIDI with others. Live record to WAV and MIDI files. Upload to SoundCloud. Paste the audio using Sonoma AudioCopy, open in other apps, or share with Kymatica AudioShare. Presets and Banks may be emailed and transferred via Wi- Fi and iTunes Files Sharing. Supports Audiobus input slode to stream live audio directly to other Audiobus- compatible apps.
Key features at a glance
- Process live audio input from a microphone with the Vocoder
- Up to 17 oscillators per voice with 4 voices
- Dual multi-mode filters with adjustable routing
- 16×4 gate step-sequencer with deep modulation destinations
- Ro-orderable effects processors including EQ, distortion, chorus, phaser, delay, reverb and vocoder
- CoreMIDI support with Virtual MIDI Ports
- Audiobus support
Arctic ProSynth is available now in the App Store for USD $9.99
We recommend iPad 2 and later for the best audio performance Compatible with the Apogee MiC
• Synthesis: analog modeling
• Polyphony: up to 4 voices
• HyperOscillators: 2 per voice, alias free, saw, triangle and square with pulse width, hard sync, ring mod, noise generator, sub-oscillator
• Filter: 2 multi-mode resonating filter with 4 filter types and variable routing
• Envelopes: mod, filter and amp ADSR envelopes with adjust curve
• Modulation: 2 LFOs with multiple wave shapes, sample and hold, 3 routable destinations per LFO, independently sync-able
• Effects: stereo master effect processors with adjustable order: 3-band EQ, Distortion, Chorus, Phaser, Vocoder, Delay, Reverb
• Arpeggiator: classic arpeggiator with octave shift, MIDI-sync-able
• Sequencer: 16 x 4 gated step sequencer with multiple modulation destinations, MIDI-sync-able
• Keyboard: glissando, scroll, multi-touch poly pitch bend and aftertouch
• Works with Wizdom Music’s Geo Synthesizer continuous pitch bend
• Polyphonic Aftertouch for use with CME Xkey
• Audiobus
• KORG Wireless-Sync Start Technology (WIST)
• Sonoma AudioCopy
• MIDI Learn
• Live phrase recorder with audio and MIDI export
• File and patch sharing via iTunes File Sharing, e-mail and Wi-Fi
• Supports external MIDI in and out via CoreMIDI Networking and USB with the Camera Connection Kit
• Audio background operation
• Virtual MIDI Ports
• Open Music App Collaboration compliant
iPad 2 or later recommended
iOS 5.1 or later
For more info on Arctic Pro go to One Red Dog’s product page