The world’s first Xkey Synthesizer iOS app—the XK-1 comes from CME partner One Red Dog !
Singapore, ---August 1st ,2014--- CME Pte. Ltd. today announces the co... Read More...
Peter Johnson, founder of One Red Dog, is responsible for developing one of my favorite iOS synths, Arctic Keys. Recently, One Red Dog totally revamped Arctic ... Read More...
One Red Dog (ORD) releases Arctic Pro Synthesizer, a beefed up re-imagined analog modeling version of Arctic Keys. Back in February of 2013 we reviewed Arctic Keys to the result of pretty high marks for its sound mostly. As the review stated, "It see... Read More...
One Red Dog's monstrous virtual analog synthesizer, Arctic Keys, is without doubt in my top 5 favorites list for iOS synth apps. Arctic Keys features a dual osc... Read More...