A-yo Retronyms? What up?
MPC Fly iPad App – Developed by Retronyms
Akai Professional commissioned Retronyms to develop the MPC Fly iPad app. Retronyms has done work for companies such as Adobe & Propellerhead. Their about us page says they strive to make fun and powerful products that allow people to create, collaborate, and engage through digital media. Their hallmark is in their interest in how next-generation devices and technology can be used to explore these ideas. Lets take a closer look at the MPC Fly app features that Retronyms have developed.
- Designed for the iPad 2
- Sequence four tracks simultaneously: four-track mixer built in
- Record and overdub your own sequences
- Arrange your own programs and songs
- Time correct: 1/8 note – 1/32T with variable Swing setting
- Note Repeat: 1/8 note – 1/32T timing
- 16-Levels mode: play one sample at 16 levels of attack, velocity, length, and tuning
- Note variation slider allows you to manipulate attack, velocity, length, and tuning as you play
- Undo and delete samples
- Built-in effects: delay, bit crusher, master compressor/limiter
- Create and edit your own programs
- Built in sound library of samples and drum kits
- Sample using internal mic or line-in
- Sample from your iPod library with turntable interface
- Trim and categorize samples
- Export to your PC
- Share on SoundCloud, Facebook or Twitter
- MPC Fly Compatible Hardware
- Supports WIST, Wireless Sync Start protocol from Korg
- Supports AudioPaste