As I get more familiar with the Microbrute, I’ve become more familiar with the Arturia user community. In turn I’ve found that there are a good number of growing resources for the Microbrute. This speaks to the fact that the Microbrute is a huge success already.
Perhaps the most intriguing of the Microbrute resources is the “Microbrute Patch Maker“. The Microbrute Patch Maker was developed by Brady Jacobsen and is still in development. At the moment you can interactively set the dials, the sliders and even the switches and mod matrix. It basically gives you a visual representation of what your patches settings are or would be. Once you’ve set the patch maker to match your Microbrute’s current settings, you can grab a screen shot image of the patch for reference and recall later.
I think this Interactive Microbrute Patch Maker is such a great and functional idea. Imagine a photo album on your iphone (or any smartphone) that contains only images of microbrute patches directly from this Interactive Microbrute Patch Maker . Imagine created an ill patch on the microbrute, creating/mirroring the patch in this interactive patch maker then emailing or messaging it to your fellow beatmaker so he/she can dial it in exactly to your specs. Never lose a patch again – its the new analog.
Still in development or at least in its early iteration phases, there is currently no save option but Brady Jacobsen is on it. He is planning to add this functionality soon enough.
Here is how the patch image looks when done…
Find the patch maker here