New York based start up, littleBits’ motto is “to turn everyone into an inventor by making electronics accessible as a material.” Dope motto indeed. So, as far as I can tell, littleBits are well on their way to bringing its motto to life with their unique modular toys that spark creativity and ingenuity.
But why should you, the beat maker care? Because you love toys (admit it) and you love analog synthesis (no need to admit that which I already know). There enters synth gear giant, Korg. In collaboration with littleBits, Korg pitched in with their expertise in synthesis, and obviously with an affinity for little synths (i.e. Volca, Monotron, Monotribe), to assist littleBits with the development of these cool little (expensive, but cool not the less) littleBits synth kits.
littleBits described the experience of developing littleBits synth kits as “littleBits and Korg have demystified a traditional analog synthesizer, making it super easy for novices and experts alike to create music.”
Want to learn more about littleBits synth kits? See the press release below.
For the First Time, New Kits Feature Customized Project Booklets to Help Kids, Teens and Adults Explore Technology, Create Inventive Projects
New York, NY. – littleBits, maker of an open source library of electronics that snap together for prototyping, learning and fun, announced today the launch of three new littleBits Exploration Kits: the Base Kit ($99), the Premium Kit ($149) and the Deluxe Kit ($199). Designed to bring the simplicity of the classic building block to the world of electronics for children, teens and adults, the new Kits are currently available at littleBits.com and select specialty retailers.
Developed to inspire creativity and innovation, the new littleBits Exploration Kits contain an assortment of color-coded electronic BitsTM modules that instantly snap together with magnets. Each module has a specific function, such as power, light, sound, pulse and more, allowing users to create simple circuits in seconds or build more inventive projects like a Morse code machine, a glow-in-the-dark puppet or a bubble flute. Each Kit includes a customized project booklet with step-by-step instructions to kick start the building process.
“People today are in constant contact with technological devices, but most have little to no understanding of how they work,” said Ayah Bdeir, founder and CEO of littleBits, MIT Media Lab alumna and TED Senior Fellow. “littleBits wants to make the world of electronics fun and accessible to people of all ages by breaking modern day technology down to its most fundamental parts. Our modules are designed to be easy-to-use to help inspire creativity and exploration among children, teens and adults.”
Winner of more than 20 toy awards, littleBits is a well-funded, fast-growing startup based in New York City. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) acquired innovative littleBits to its permanent collection. The company has been featured in numerous media outlets, including The New York Times Magazine and Fast Company. Bloomberg TV recognized littleBits as “LEGO for the iPad generation.” In addition, the company was featured in a TED talk in 2012, which garnered more than 700,000 views worldwide.
The new littleBits Base, Premium and Deluxe Kits will keep curious minds engaged for hours and contain everything needed to inspire a user’s creativity. Kits include a unique assortment of Bits, each with a specific function; Bits are color-coded into four categories (blue/power, pink/input, green/output and orange/wires) to simplify the creation process for builders of all ages.
With the new Kits in hand, users can combine the modules to create circuits and explore the world of electronics. They can also add the modules to almost anything, including craft materials and other toys, to “make something that does something,” like an interactive pet cat, a nightlight, or an electronic bubble maker. The best part? Bits intuitively snap together with magnets, so users can never make a mistake while building!
Three new littleBits Kits are currently available
littleBits Base Kit
The littleBits Base Kit is the perfect introduction to creating circuits in seconds. This Kit contains an assortment of 10 modules, including a power module, three input modules, four output modules, two wire modules, and one 9V battery, and a handy project booklet with step-by-step instructions for eight creations. Hundreds of additional Base Kit projects are also available online. Use the Kit’s button, dimmer and buzzer Bits to create a doorbell for your bedroom or turn the DC motor Bit into a tickle machine. Suggested retail price: $99.
littleBits Premium Kit
The littleBits Premium Kit is a sure-fire way to keep the creativity flowing and will allow budding engineers to make bigger, more intricate devices. The Kit contains 14 modules, including one power module, five input modules, five output modules, three wire modules and one 9V battery for a wide range of building and design possibilities. The Premium Kit’s project booklet provides easy-to-follow instructions for 10 projects. Hundreds of additional Premium Kit projects are also available online. Use this Kit’s sound trigger and fan Bits module to create a hypnotizing wheel or take the Kit’s roller and vibe modules and make a drawer alarm to prevent your siblings from stealing your stuff. Suggested retail price: $149.
littleBits Deluxe Kit
The Deluxe Kit is the biggest littleBits collection ever produced, opening up a world of endless design possibilities for young builders. Winner of Dr. Toy’s “10 Best Technology Toys of 2013,” the Deluxe Kit contains 18 modules, including one power module, five input modules, five output modules and seven wire modules, and an expanded project booklet featuring step-by-step instructions for 15 projects. Hundreds of additional Deluxe Kit projects are also available online. Use 14 of the Kit’s modules to create a robot or take just four of its modules and create a flickering lantern. Suggested retail price: $199.
Modules are always compatible and interchangeable, allowing users to create a growing library of Bits modules as they add new Kits or specialty modules to their collection. No soldering, programming or wiring required!
Additional tips, tricks and project ideas are regularly posted on the company’s website by littleBits and fellow “Bitsters,” members of the littleBits maker community. Families can sign up for the littleBits e-newsletter to regularly receive updates on innovative projects and product information.
“littleBits Kits are a long-term investment in creativity,” added Bdeir. “The Kits can grow with a child as he or she transitions from elementary school to adulthood and can be used for open-ended playtime, designing art installations, building prototype models and learning at any age.”
For more information on littleBits, visit www.littleBits.com, Facebook at Facebook/littleBitselectronics, or Twitter at @littleBits.