AG Got Beats and Maschine Masters crew recently launched The much anticipated video tutorial and user community for Native Instruments Maschine has a lot of great plans in store. According to the sites “About” page, “Maschine Masters was just a thought from YouTube vlogger AG Got Beats that quickly grew once mentioned to his subscribers! Wanting to give the people more he began recruiting a team of like minded individuals who shared the same passion in the phrase “each one teach one”.”

Maschine Masters has put together a few very cool features for it’s members. There is the fee based Masters Course which is described by Maschine Masters as an “Online Study Course put together by AG Got Beats that is designed to give you all the tools necessary to master the Maschine in the most productive way possible! This course is broken up into two parts Beginner and Intermediate ”

Other features include Sample Pack Satuday which is a dope idea and a super cool courtesy to get Maschine heads banging out beats for the weekend. The idea is to “supply you with FREE samples to get you through your weekend. This is strictly for our members and new packs are made available for download every Saturday Morning!!”.

Another cool Maschine Masters program perk is the “Be Heard” section which include the Beat Corner and the Maschine Master Mixtape. The Beat Corner is described as “DJ Swanny River owner of internet radio station Rollin with Swanny that airs every Saturday Night at 8:00pm EST on Swanny has started a segment called the Beat Corner that will run every 2nd Saturday of the Month where he will play only dope joints from our MM members!” The Maschine Masters Mixtape will be a qaurterly mixtape hosted by Maschine Masters member DJ BIG JEFF the Official DJ for MAYA THE B SHOW (formerly on

Perhaps one of the most progressive services offered by is the Skype One on One Tutoring service. How cool is that? AG Got Beats could be at your crib on Saturday assisting you with your Maschine just in time to bang out with your “Sample Pack Satuday” download.

All in All it looks like Maschine Masters is off to a great start. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Native instruments officially sponsoring Maschine Masters soon if they arent already. So, if you are a NI Maschine user, I’d suggest heading over to to sign up for a free membership. This is the resource for you.

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