VANCOUVER, CANADA., an online education portal specializing in audio software courses, today announces the release of a new curriculum covering the... Read More...
Softube Console 1 Released Today
Linköping, Sweden. February 12, 2014. As previously announced, Softube Console 1 will begin selling today at authorized dealer... Read More...
BITWIG STUDIO tightly integrates with Nektar Panarama P4
Bitwig Studio is obviously the next big thing. For those that don't know the story, Bitwig was started... Read More...
CUPERTINO, California—July 16, 2013—Apple® today unveiled Logic® Pro X, the most advanced version of Logic Pro to date, featuring a new interface designed for p... Read More...
In classic Apple fashion, Logic Pro X appeared, unannounced as far as I can tell, in the app store today. Still priced at $199, Logic X has undergone a bit of a... Read More...